
Spring 2025 Drop/Add

Drop/Add begins on Sunday, January 19. Please refer to the schedule below for your begin time. You may make schedule changes from your begin time on January 19 through Friday, January 24 (11:59 p.m.). Additional changes may be possible through January 29 if you have submitted an override request (all requests should be submitted no later than January 27). See the following sections for the different methods and procedures for Drop/Add. Please pay attention to the dates and times for each method.

Note: the registrar鈥檚 office will be open on Sunday, January 19 from noon-3:00 to assist students with Drop/Add.

Waitlists are removed prior to the start of Drop/Add to allow online access to open seats. If you are interested in a course you were waitlisted for, you will need to add it using one of the methods described below.

Registration PINs are not required during Drop/Add, however, you are strongly encouraged to discuss any schedule changes with your adviser. 

Drop/Add Tutorials

Watch these three short tutorials to review how to make changes in Banner Self-Service:


Drop/Add Procedures

Dropping a Course

Sunday, January 19 鈥 Wednesday, January 29 (4:30 p.m.)

All students may drop courses online using Banner Self-Service/the portal. Instructor permission is not required for drops. All drops must be made online by the end of the Drop/Add period (January 29, 4:30 p.m.).

Adding a Course

(Pay close attention to the date ranges)

Sunday, January 19 鈥 Friday, January 24

  • To add a course that has available seats and no pre-reqs or restrictions, you may add it online beginning at your assigned time on Sunday, January 19 through 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 24 using Banner Self-Service/the portal (no PINs required). 
  • Courses that are closed, restricted, etc. may be added by obtaining the permission of the instructor using the . All override requests should be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, January 27 to allow sufficient time for approvals and your completion of the registration process by January 29. Faculty are asked to take timely action on all requests, but requests submitted after 11:59 on January 27 should not be expected to have action taken in time. All permissions must be obtained and registration actions completed by students no later than the Drop/Add deadline on Wednesday, January 29, 4:30 p.m.

    You should continue to check the course offerings to see if a seat has opened during the intervening times.

Monday, January 27  鈥 Wednesday, January 29

  • Students may use January 27 - Wednesday, January 29 to finalize their schedules for requests that were submitted by January 27. All changes must be made online no later than 4:30 on Wednesday, January 29.

Adding a Fifth Course

Students in the Classes of 2025, 2026 and 2027 are permitted to add a fifth course (up to 5.25* course credits) during drop/add. Credit limits for these class years have been adjusted to allow students in these classes to register themselves up to 5.25 credits online. Students trying to add a fifth course that requires instructor permission may do so online after having a approved by the instructor and after the registrar's office has coded your record to make you eligible to add online. (You will receive a confirmation email when you are eligible.) 

Students in the Class of 2028 wishing to add a fifth course (more than 4.50* course credits) must first obtain permission of their academic adviser/FSEM instructor. All required permissions must be obtained by the end of the Drop/Add period (January 29). Once adviser approval is obtained (using form below), the registrar's office will adjust your credit limit, which will allow you to add additional credits to your schedule, following the appropriate Drop/Add procedures (i.e., add open course online by January 24 or submit an override request by January 27).

*Per the university catalog, students wishing to register for 5.50 course credits must receive permission from their academic adviser. Students registering for more than 5.50 course credits must be approved to do so by both their academic adviser and the dean for academic and curriculuar affairs.

Adviser Approval

Read the information above regarding the policies based on class year. If appropriate, use the Credit Overload Request form to request permission. Once adviser permission is secured, you will be eligible to register online for a credit overload but you must identify an open, available course or receive instructor permission to register. If you are approved by your adviser you will receive more information about the process via email. 



Activity Begin Date & Time End Date & Time
Drop courses online Sunday, January 19
(times vary--see schedule)
Wednesday, January 29
(ends at 4:30 p.m.)
Add open courses online Sunday, January 19
(times vary--see schedule)
Friday, January 24
(ends at 11:59 p.m.)
Submit Course Restriction Override Requests Ongoing Monday, January 27
(ends at 11:59 p.m.)
Add closed or permission-required courses (with instructor permission via override request form) Sunday, January 19
(as permissions are processed)
Wednesday, January 29
(ends at 4:30 p.m.)
Finalize schedule changes from requests submitted by January 27 Monday, January 27
(as permissions are processed)
Wednesday, January 29
(ends at 4:30 p.m.)


Students who have financial holds on their records cannot make schedule changes until their hold is cleared. You can check to see if you have any holds via the portal.

Most financial holds are cleared by paying a past-due account balance. Contact the Office of Students Accounts for questions or assistance.

Independent study

Students must submit the completed independent study form and obtain all faculty approvals by the end of the Drop/Add period (January 29).

S/U Grade Option (Classes of 2025 & 2026 only)

Students in the classes of 2025 & 2026 may choose to take a course using the satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) grading mode. The S/U form must be completed and submitted to the registrar's office before the end of the full-term course withdrawal period (March 26). See the academic calendar for S/U dates for part-of-term courses. For complete guidelines and instructions see the S/U Grading Option web page.

Repeating a course

Students who are planning to repeat a course should contact the registrar's office ( as soon as possible, indicating the course to be repeated. Registrar's office staff will review your record to ensure you are eligible to repeat and will provide guidance on the appropriate next steps. The full repeat policy is available in the , in the Academic Regulations section. 

Drop/Add Begin Time Schedule

Drop/Add begin times are based on class year and last name (reverse order from registration).

Class of 2025 & New Transfer Students

Registration Order (by last name)

  • Beginning at 12:00 p.m.: S-Z
  • Beginning at 12:10 p.m.: A-D
  • Beginning at 12:20 p.m.: L-R
  • Beginning at 12:30 p.m.: E-K

Class of 2026

Registration Order (by last name)

  • Beginning at 12:40 p.m.: S-Z
  • Beginning at 12:50 p.m.: L-R
  • Beginning at 1:00 p.m.: A-D
  • Beginning at 1:10 p.m.: E-K

Class of 2027

Registration Order (by last name)

  • Beginning at 1:20 p.m.: E-K
  • Beginning at 1:30 p.m.: L-R
  • Beginning at 1:40 p.m.: A-D
  • Beginning at 1:50 p.m.: S-Z

Class of 2028

Registration Order (by last name)

  • Beginning at 2:00 p.m.: E-K
  • Beginning at 2:10 p.m.: A-D
  • Beginning at 2:20 p.m.: L-R
  • Beginning at 2:30 p.m.: S-Z


Printing Schedules from the Portal

  • Log in to the using your network log in and password. In the Banner Self-Service portlet, click on the Registrar tab.
  • Click on the 鈥淪tudent Self-Service鈥 link, then select "Student Schedule" from the menu on the bottom left, then change the term drop down box to Spring 2025.
  • Click the Printer icon on the top right to print your schedule.
  • If you experience trouble accessing your schedule through the portal, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 315-228-7111 or by email at


Registrar's Office Hours

Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.