
Nigel Young

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Nigel Young

Cooley Research Professor of Peace Studies, Emeritus

Department/Office Information

Peace and Conflict Studies


BA (1961), MA (1963), Magdalen College, Oxford; PhD, University of California at Berkeley, 1976

  • University of Bradford (England) 1973-84
  • University of Birmingham (England) 1968-73
  • Visiting professorships at several institutions including the University of California (San Diego), Earlham College, University of Munster (Germany) and the University of Oslo (Norway)

Political sociology, comparative historical studies of the state, the literature of peace studies, history of social and political ideas and movements

Peace education, the nation state and war resistance, Anglo-American and European peace movements, peace research, role of non-governmental relationships in promoting peace and global society

  • Campaigns for Peace: The British Peace Movement in the 20th Century (Manchester University Press, 1987)
  • Nation State and War Resistance (Westview Press, 1978)
  • An Infantile Disorder: The Crisis and Decline of the New Left (Routledge Kegan Paul, 1976)
  • Many recent articles in Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Sicherheit und Frieden, Peace and Change, Perspectives, Dialog, Alternatives, World Encyclopedia of Peace; "The Contemporary European Anti-Nuclear Movement" in The Arms Race and Nuclear War, "Peace Movements in History" in Toward a Just World Peace, "Peace Movements in Industrial Societies" in The Quest for Peace, "War Resistance, State and Society" in War, State and Society
  • Director of Inter-University Center courses, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia
  • Senior research fellow, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, Norway
  • President, European University Centre for Peace Studies (Austria) and Austrian Peace Research Institute

Several grants, scholarships, visiting professorships, and fellowships; Carl V. Ossiestky Distinguished Professorship, F.R.G. Germany (1982); Program Chair, Peace Studies Section, International Studies Association