
CU Well Earning Incentive and Caffeine-free Challenge

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Don't miss out!

Earn credit for completing program activities in the 2018–2019 CU Well Program and earn rewards. Manage all your program activities at or the SimplyWell app. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø is offering an enhanced wellness incentive starting with the 2019 program.

What do I earn?

All benefit-eligible employees hired before 9/1/19 will be able to earn $300 in an employer-paid flexible spending account.

All benefit-eligible employees hired between 9/1/19 and 10/31/19 must complete the health assessment and earn a total of 100 points by 11/30/19 to earn a $150 flexible spending account reward.

When do I receive my reward?

The payment will be deposited into a flex account on 1/1/2020 for employees that complete the health assessment, Biometric Screening, and Preventive Care Services to earn a total of 200 points between 12/1/18 and 11/30/19.

How the Incentive Works

All eligible employees will be enrolled with Lifetime Benefit Solutions with a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account. Even if you do not have a personal flexible spending account, you can still receive the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø payment. The payment will be in addition to any employee flex election. The employer-paid flexible spending incentive will not be taxed and can be used on out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses for you and your dependents.

What if I have both employee and employer funds?
Every time you use your flexible spending card, your personal employee contribution will be used before the employer contribution is used.

How to Register

  • Visit connect.simplywell.com or the SimplyWell app
  • Select Register
  • Enter your last name and date of birth (DOB)
  • Enter your identifier: DOB + Last 4 of SSN (MMDDYYYY1234)
  • Enter the registration code: colgate
  • Then follow the prompts to complete registration

REMINDER FINAL BIOMETRIC SCREENING IS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019, in the James C. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø Clark Room. Registration is open until Friday, October 11, 2019

Caffeine-free Challenge

 Sign-up: 10/7/19–10/21/19
Challenge Runs: 10/14/19–11/11/19

HOW IT WORKS: You get one challenge point for each day you limit your caffeine to one drink or less. The goal: reach 15 challenge points to earn 15 wellness program points.

Daily max challenge points: 1 per day.
Reach the following challenge points to complete each tier.

10 challenge points = Tier 1    
15 challenge points = Tier 2
20 challenge points = Tier 3
25 challenge points = Tier 4

Register and track your progress on or the SimplyWell® mobile app under the Well-being section.

Consult your physician before beginning a new physical activity or nutrition program, especially if you are a man over 40, woman over 50, or if you experience chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, or obesity.