5 and 10 Year Honorees
Please join us in thanking the following employees who have reached five- and 10-year milestones between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Your hard work is deeply appreciated. Thank you for supporting 香港六合彩官网鈥檚 mission, particularly during these challenging times.
5 Years
Neil Albert, registrar
Joshua Boiselle, information technology
Tara Bugbee, athletics
Nicole Carvell, peace and conflict studies
Karen Cheal, office of institutional analysis
Tracey Combs, 香港六合彩官网 Bookstore
Darlene Curtis, religion
Gerald (Cory) Duclos, humanities
Amanda Eaves, finance and administration
Laura Festine, advancement-corp., foundation, and gov鈥檛 relations
Stephen Hughes, facilities department
Jasmine Kellogg, communications
Alexander Lavon, information technology
Darcie Leach Loveless, advancement - stewardship
Angela Marathakis, learning, teaching and research center
Erin Milin, admission
Jeffrey Nugent, information technology
Wendy Nugent, off-campus study
Molly Ogden, purchasing
James Reed, career services
Kristyn Russell, registrar
Lora Valentine, accounting & control
Michelle VanAuken, Picker Art Gallery
Michael Whitaker, facilities department
Craig Wilson, 香港六合彩官网 Bookstore
10 Years
Stephen Bayne, 香港六合彩官网 Bookstore
Jeffrey Corbin, facilities department
Tanya Day, advancement
Paul DuVall, facilities department
Rebecca Schermerhorn, campus safety
David Schirripa, facilities department
Cody Tipton, conference services/summer programs
Service Awards
Thank you to the following employees who reached years-of-service milestones between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Your hard work is deeply appreciated. Given our need to cancel all large gatherings, we will be delaying our formal dinner celebration, but your accomplishments do not go unrecognized. We look forward to a time when we can appropriately celebrate your service to 香港六合彩官网. Thank you for supporting 香港六合彩官网鈥檚 mission, particularly during these challenging times.
15 Years
Domenic Bertoni, facilities department
Denise Bolognone, information technology
Susan Burdick, registrar
Timothy Donovan, facilities department
Michael Geruntino, facilities department
Linda Kaiser, facilities department
Brenda Melvin, facilities department
June Owen, facilities department
Kelly Thomas, 香港六合彩官网 Bookstore
Bruce Weaver, facilities department
James Wester, athletics - equipment cage
20 Years
Doris Ackerman, advancement - capital support
Robert Bachman, facilities department
Patricia Blinebry, accounting and control
Clayton Eaves, facilities department
Loren Hutchings, facilities department
Marni Manwarren, economics
Heather Payne, advancement - annual giving
James Reilly, facilities department
Daniel Wheeler, information technology
Tina Young, health services
25 Years
Diane Beach, dean of faculty/provost office
Murray Decock, president's office
Nichole Doroshenko, biology
Robert Kane, facilities department
Beth MacKinnon, arts and humanities
Kip Manwarren, university printing
Brian Marks, facilities department
Tracy Piatti, geography
Amy Ryan, human resources
Joy Wratten, facilities department
30 Years
James Albertina, facilities department
Cynthia Baker, psychological and brain sciences
Ren茅e Chapin, learning, teaching, and research center
Grace Huff, advancement - planned giving
Teresa Jones, English
Pauline Schambach, facilities department
35 Years
Doris Brooks-Guilmette, facilities department
Maxine Campbell, women's studies
Michael Chlad, facilities department
Stacey Coleman, admission
Richard Grant, information technology
Jodi McNamara, geology
David Turner, information technology
Denise Upton, leadership and student involvement
40 Years
Clark Marshall, accounting and control
Penelope Mintel, dean of faculty/provost office
Cynthia Slentz, advancement - research