Jacob Mundy featured in USA Today article on northern Africa

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ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ Professor Jacob Mundy, author of Western Sahara: War, Nationalism and Conflict Irresolution

Jacob Mundy, author of Western Sahara: War, Nationalism and Conflict Irresolution

ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ professor was called upon by the USA Today to add his expertise to an article on north Africa called β€œβ€

The article talks about how the Arab Spring revolutions seemed to ignore the Moroccan royal regime. Mundy, author of , suggests some of the reasons in the article.

He says that Morocco is a very close ally of France and the United States, and those countries want to maintain a relationship with the Moroccan government.

β€œIt’s not going to be resolved until there is a crisis. Something major has to happen to shake things up,” Mundy says. Read the entire .

An assistant professor of Peace and Conflict studies, Mundy focuses on armed conflicts and humanitarian interventions in northern Africa. During the conflict in Libya, he discussed militia politics in Libya.