In celebrating the , we are posting a story or list that pertains to our lucky number on the 13th of each month. Since this month began with Reunion, we compiled a list of 13 Reunion images from the archives.
1. Sixteen members of the Class of 1895 take a break during their 20th Reunion in 1915.
2. One of the highlights of Reunion is the parade in the village. In 1987, the class of 1962 celebrated 25 years.
3. In 1989, the Class of 1939 celebrated 50 years at , another highlight of Reunion.
4. The Class of 1944 proudly walks in the parade during their 50th Reunion in 1994.
5. Whitnall Field houses tents and station wagons. The banner says “Welcome 1970 Reuners.”
6. The ϲʹ Inn – still a meeting place for people at Reunion.
7. The Class of 1926 leads the 1996 parade in style.
8. Alumni continue to bring their families to Reunion. The Class of 1905 posed with family members in 1930.
9. It isn’t always 5 and 10 year reunions. Each year many classes come to Reunion. In 1929, the Class of 1887 gathered. From left to right are Edgar Allen Shepard, William Edward Cooper, Homer Child Lyman, William Henry Crawshaw (ϲʹ professor of English), Irving Burgess Lewis, Oscar Reed McKay, Frederick William Rowe, and William Andrus St. John.
10. This photo is undated. Still, we wonder if anyone is interested in reviving how some signified their class year.
11. The Class of 1942 (and family) wait patiently for dinner in the gym in 1982.
12. The Class of 1905 meets at Reunion in this photo believed to be taken in 1930. Nice jackets.
13. Of course No. 13 is the 2013 Reunion. Torchlight 2013 gets added to the archive.
Your turn: What do you remember about your last Reunion?