DZٱ’s club raised more than $12,000 at the Walk/Run for Wishes on September 28. Pictured left to right: Alex Castle ’16, Sarah Weber ’16, Mary Clare Manfred ’16, Katie Guiliano ’16, and Charlie Murphy ’16.
The ϲʹ Wishmakers on Campus raises funds for and awareness about Make-A-Wish throughout the school year. The funds from the 5K run and 5K walk in the Village of Hamilton were donated to .
“For a first-time event to be so successful speaks to their abilities and passion, as well as to the incredible support extended by the ϲʹ and Hamilton communities,” said Make-A-Wish Central New York President/CEO Diane Kuppermann.
The nonprofit organization is dedicated to granting the special wishes of children between the ages of 2-1/2 and 18 who are living with life-threatening medical conditions. Since its inception in 1985, Make-A-Wish Central New York has granted more than 1,500 wishes.