USA Today highlights MLK Week at ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ

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Join us from January 20 - 24, 2014, as we celebrate the legacy of  Martin Luther King Jr.

ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ of Martin Luther King Jr this week.

The section featured an interview with Thomas Cruz-Soto, associate dean of multicultural affairs at ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ.

The article is called β€œCollege students revolutionize meaning of MLK Day,” and it talks about the changing message of Martin Luther King Jr.

Cruz-Soto says β€œincome equality, and particularly the rising costs of college tuition, could be this generation’s catalyst for change.”

A full are lined up for MLK Week at ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ. Students can access the schedule on the ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ app (available on and ) or on the on the ALANA Cultural Center website.

Your turn: what events do you plan to attend? Alumni, what are your memories of Martin Luther King Jr. events at ΟγΈΫΑωΊΟ²ΚΉΩΝψ?