Haven's services are free for all enrolled students, and are designed to help you get the assistance and support you need at any time.
Walk-in Hours
Counseling Center, Monday-Friday between 9 a.m.-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
For immediate service, any student can use walk-in hours at the Counseling Center to see a counselor on the same day for a routine concern, urgent need, or crisis situation. You can schedule a follow-up appointment or request a specific counselor moving forward. Haven does not offer walk-in hours, but we will do our best to support a student if they walk in.
Crisis and After Hours Support
If you’re experiencing a crisis or emergency, counseling services are available 24/7.
Sexual violence crisis support
Individual Counseling
Haven and the Counseling Center offer bi-weekly individual therapy appointments. You may request a Haven counselor, but keep in mind all counselors in the Counseling Center are trauma-informed and can help. Reach out to haven@colgate.edu or call 315-228-7385 to request a counseling appointment.
Group Therapy
Weekly group therapy is available through the Counseling Center and Haven, with specific sessions geared towards sexual assault survivors and supporters.
Group therapy and appointments
Psychatric Services and Referrals
Psychiatric Services are available through the Counseling Center, and Haven counselors can make referrals.
Peer Support
Haven Ambassadors are trained Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø students who serve as support for survivors of all identities and forms of violence. Haven Ambassadors are confidential resources who can provide a listening ear, discuss your options, and help connect survivors to on and off-campus support services. Haven encourages students to seek help from both peers and professionals to ensure the support and resources they need to address their situation.
To speak with a Haven Ambassador email haven@colgate.edu, and you will be connected.
Consultation is available to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø students, student organizations, staff, faculty, and campus community members. Consultation focuses on providing guidance, and expertise to individuals seeking assistance with sexual and intimate partner violence-related issues, and topics. Goals revolve around problem-solving, decision-making, and strategizing to address the goals, concerns, or issues effectively. Discussions may involve collaboration with other professionals or individuals involved in the issue to provide comprehensive solutions.
Reach out to haven@colgate.edu for a consultation.
Connecting Support Services
Haven counselors and ambassadors can recommend and connect you directly with additional support services on and off-campus, including:
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
- Counseling Center
- Chaplains Office
- Student Health Services
- Shaw Wellness Institute
- Title IX Coordinator
- Your Administrative Dean
Educational Programming and Training
Haven is one of the offices that offer educational opportunities to the campus around interpersonal/sexual/intimate partner violence prevention. Haven staff and ambassadors are available to provide training, workshops, and host events for your group.
Workshops and trainings include:
- Introduction to Haven and our services
- Creating Survivor-Centric Spaces
- Trauma-Informed Support
- Consent 101
- Applying an Intersectional Lens to Sexual Violence
- Domestic Violence in LGBTIQA+ Communities
- Interrogating Root Causes of Sexual Violence & Rape Culture
- Supporting Your Friends and Yourself
- Vicarious Trauma & Self-Preservation in the Anti-Violence Movement
Workshops must be requested at least two weeks in advance.
All student information is to be treated as confidential, including the fact that the student receives (or previously received) any services through this office. The privacy and confidentiality of our students are protected under the Ethics Codes of the mental health professions, state laws and regulations, and federal HIPAA regulations. No student information may be disclosed without the explicit informed consent of the student.
There are a few rare exceptions to confidentiality, as follows:
- Abuse of children: If a staff member has reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 is being abused or neglected
- Imminent harm to self/others: If a staff member has reason to believe that you are in danger of physically harming yourself or someone else
- Age limitation: If you are under 18 we cannot guarantee your confidentiality. If contacted by your parents, we would have to answer their questions regarding your treatment.
- Security clearance/certification: If you apply for state licensure or certification in some professional fields or apply for a job requiring security clearance
- Third-party payment/insurance: If you are referred for other services for which you might need insurance coverage
- Court orders: When ordered by a court of law
Our guiding principle is to respect a student's right to confidentiality. Trust is an essential aspect of effective therapy. We will exert our greatest effort to ensure the respect and confidentiality of our clients.
A student's records are confidential, and information from them is only released with the student's request and written permission. Records are kept for seven years following graduation and then are destroyed.
Our Commitment
We are committed to the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational enterprise, and to a learning and living environment where all members of the community feel safe and respected. Acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking are serious violations of our community values. The university will not tolerate sexual misconduct, or other forms of sexual violence or nonconsensual sexual activity, and will respond promptly and equitably to these incidents and to any student, staff, or faculty member who reports such incidents.
Haven is committed to responding to all members of the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø community. We acknowledge the intersections of sexual violence and all other forms of oppression. Our programs and services are designed to consciously address such concerns and work towards improving the culture and climate of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø’s community. Our team strives to create an inclusive atmosphere in the work environment as well as within the services we provide. Haven strives to practice cultural humility, including the examination of our personal assumptions regarding diversity and how they impact our interactions with others.