Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England is an international academic journal edited at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø. Each volume contains studies by literary critics and cultural historians, as well as substantial reviews, notes, and documentary studies.
About the Journal
Since it was founded in 1984, more than 500 articles, review essays, and book reviews have appeared on the journal's pages. The topics addressed have ranged from local drama in the Shrewsbury borough records to issues of staging in the Elizabethan playhouses to authorship studies of John Webster.
The journal is committed to the publication of a wide range of views and approaches, as well as to an equally wide exploration of early drama and its contexts prior to 1642.
Submitting to the Journal
Take part in this annual scholarly endeavor by submitting your work to be included on its pages. Learn more using the following resources:
S.P. Cerasano, Editor
Mary Bly, Associate Editor
Fordham University
Heather Anne Hirschfeld, Review Editor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Subscribing and Purchasing
Direct inquiries to:
Associated University Presses
2010 Eastpark Blvd.
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Phone: 609-655-4770
Pre-orders also available through major online booksellers.
Editorial Board
Leeds Barroll
University of Maryland (Baltimore)
Catherine Belsey
University of Wales (College of Cardiff)
David M. Bevington
University of Chicago
Barry Gaines
University of New Mexico
Jean Howard
Columbia University
Arthur F. Kinney
University of Massachusetts
Anne C. Lancashire
University of Toronto
William B. Long
Independent Scholar
Barbara Mowat
The Folger Shakespeare Library
Lee Patterson
Yale University
John Pitcher
St. John’s College, Oxford
E. Paul Werstine
University of Western Ontario