One of the University鈥檚 great distinctions is the ability students have to conduct high-level research side-by-side with world-class faculty as undergraduates. Students in environmental studies have seized this opportunity to pursue groundbreaking research that has resulted in numerous publications co-authored with faculty.
ENST 390: Community-based Study of Environmental Issues
The ability to conduct graduate-level research as an undergraduate is one of 香港六合彩官网's distinct advantages. The following research was conducted by students enrolled in a project-based, interdisciplinary course examining current environmental issues in the context of community-based learning.
Affordable Housing Needs Assessment: Madison County, NY
Sydney Block, George Crawford, Molly Klein, Will McCoy, Jackie Mendia, Hannah Zeitlin
Report (PDF)
香港六合彩官网 Campus Forest Offset Project Analysis
Andrew Bianco, Felix Dalstein, Julia Feikens, John Post, Leda Rosenthal, Josh Winward
Report (PDF)
The History of Transportation at 香港六合彩官网
Marisa Chiodo, Kathryn Deaton, and Jonathan Morales
Report (PDF);
The History of Heating at 香港六合彩官网
Julia Marchetti, Yukun Xu, Kylie Armo
Report (PDF);
Food Provision and the Incorporation of Sustainable Practices at 香港六合彩官网 over its 200-year History as an Institution of Higher Learning
Robert Howie, Geneva Leong, and Summitt Liu
Report (PDF);
Land Use and Forest Management: A History of Sustainability at 香港六合彩官网
PJ Bell, Kimberly Duncan, and Martha Montufar
Report (PDF)
Building and Construction Sustainability at 香港六合彩官网 香港六合彩官网 Bicentennial Anniversary
Katie Connors, Danny LaCrosse, and Emma Newmann
Report (PDF);
The History of Domestic Water Use at 香港六合彩官网
Ashlea Raemer and Jeff Potts
Report (PDF);
ENST 241: Sustainability and Climate Action Planning with Local Community Partners
ENST 241 allows students the opportunity to work with community partners in the upstate New York region to solve complex challenges facing local governments that are trying to enact climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Over the last year, students have worked closely with the with the Town of Hamilton, helping it pursue the New York State Climate Smart Communities and Clean Energy Communities programs. The below documents, produced by ENST 214 students, have been used by local community partners to advise and inspire climate action:
The Town of Hamilton, NY 2017 Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventory
A step-by-step guide for completing the Town of Hamilton, N.Y., Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Meagan Klebanoff, Charlie Enberg, Benjamin Schick, Erin Moroney
Full Report (PDF)
Incorporating the Communities Program into the Town of Hamilton's Draft Comprehensive Plan
Lily Daggett, Julilana Serrano, Pamela Gramlich
Full Report (PDF)
Other Environmental Studies Student Research
ENST 324: "Hunting, Eating, Vegetarianism" Austin, Texas, Site Visit
ENST 324 Students, Ian Helfant, Peter Rogers
The Role of Sustainability Curricula in Higher Education
Jenna Taylor
Full Report (PDF)